Sieve trays

By indicating the free area, total hole area, rel. hole area, number of holes, hole diameter, gas velocity in the hole, ... you can define the sieve tray design.

Float Valve trays (Movable valves)

From a large valve database, you can select the movable valve and set the valve pitch by specifying the number, free area, opening area, flow rate, ....

The classic round (e.g. V1: sharp edged / with venturi opening, various weights and materials) and rectangular (e.g. BDH: various shapes, weights, material) valves from different suppliers are stored in the database, mostly with an interactive 3D preview. Cage valves and mini valves are also available in the database.

Valve layouts with different valve weights ("multi-weight") can be defined.

The graphical valve characteristic shows the load status of the valves (keyword: unit reference, closed and open balance point).

Fixed valves trays

The valve type can be selected from a large fixed-valve database. The input of the number, free area (curtain surface or base area), flow rate, ... determines the valve pitch.

The database contains several types from different manufacturers (round, trapezoidal types with different lift; covered hole types), with an interactive 3D preview.

Bubble cap trays

Bubble cap geometries can either be defined directly or accessed via the database. By specifying the free area, the number of bubble caps, the riser diameter, the gas velocity in the riser, the cap (cap height, skirt height, number of openings, shape of openings, material thickness) you can define the tray.

Tunnel trays

The types Streuber (tunnels in flow direction) and Thormann (liquid meanders around the tunnels) can be calculated in TrayHeart.

Proprietary trays

A separate database contains designs such as Varioflex (VV12, VV16) and Bayer Bubble Caps. Special models for their fluid dynamic modeling are available.

Showerdecks / Baffle trays

Similar to the definition options for the sieve trays, the perforation of the shower decks can be specified. The definition of the horizontal opening area corresponds to that of a chordal downcomer.

Dualflow trays

By indicating the free area, total hole area, rel. hole area, number of holes, hole diameter, gas speed in the hole, ... you can define the Dualflow tray.