TrayHeart is based on a very powerful calculation engine for the fluiddynamics of all implemented designs. The calculations are carried out simultaneously for the various loads and take the interacting geometries into account.
Models developed by WelChem are increasingly available for parameters. (In addition to the WELCHEM-TUM cell model in the area of ??liquid distributors and random packings, there are, for example, own model approaches available for the FixedValve calculation).
For each file a model set can be set for calculation. Default models (freely definable by the user) are preset for newly created files.
The calculation models of the FRI can be activated for active members of the FRI.
Proprietary model equations can also be implemented in TrayHeart, which are then only available to the licensee.
TrayHeart can calculate trays and internals of many manufacturers. Since the manufacturers rely on their own calculation formulas as well as their own parameters, the results of the fluiddynamic calculation can differ between the manufacturer and TrayHeart. We therefore recommend that the manufacturer carry out calculations for guaranteed performance.

Members of the FRI (Fractionation Research, Inc. - Stillwater USA) can use the implemented models of the design manuals and topical reports. (These models are not described in the TrayHeart manual due to legal restrictions).
Strength calculation

The static calculation of the trays is always running in the background. This ensures that these aspects (height of stiffeners, max. width of panels, manhole diameters, influence of beams, ...) are taken into account and the result of a design calculation can also be implemented in practice.
The user can enter the design temperature, the strength parameters, the nominal load, the permitted deflection and the safety factors for the calculation.
In order to recognize the dangers of vibrations and the resulting defects, natural and excitation frequencies are also calculated and corresponding warnings are issued.
The calculation also checks whether the components fit through the specified manhole opening. The manhole size determines the width of the panels and thus the number of joints and thus the number of placeable valves, bubble caps, ...
Each design has about 100 geometric and hydraulic parameters. They are set by the engineer (geometric values), result of linked values (e.g. weir length is linked to the downcomer area and vice versa) and result of hydraulic calculation.
TrayHeart supports the engineer in checking these values for plausibility. To do this, there are always hundreds of queries checked in the background that indicate input errors, unusual values, exceeding limits, problems with feasibility on the production side, or model limits.
These check queries are based on literature, best-practice, presentations, physical limits and expert know-how. The user can add own checks to his check database.
The results of these checks are highly valuable and helps to optimize new designs as well as detect critical values in troubled shooting and revamps.
These messages are displayed on the main screen as entries in the journal window, highlighted values on the main result screen and marked by a color background in the input cells.

These messages are displayed in the sub-dialogs as well as on the main screen as entries in the journal window, marked by highlighting the relevant values.
TrayHeart uses a total of more than 1000 check queries for the various types. The user can define additional know-how in their own check databases (In this way, the company's own know-how on applications and internals can be secured and made available to a group of users).
All queries are carried out simultaneously and lead to corresponding hints, warnings and error messages.